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Rabu, 18 November 2009

Gallery WordPress Theme TUTORIAL


To use the Gallery Theme, you will need to follow these installation instructions:

1. Download the latest version of Thematic.
2. Download the latest version of the Gallery WordPress theme.
3. Unzip and upload both themes to your "wp-content/themes/" directory.
4. In WordPress, go to "Appearance > Themes" and activate the "Gallery" theme.
5. To change the number of items displayed on the home page, go to
"Settings > Reading" and change "Blog pages show at most" to 28 (4
rows) or 35 (5 rows) or more for the LazyLoad plugin to work its magic. LazyLoader will automatically delay loading of thumbnails that are out of the user's view.

Adding Gallery Items

To use the default options for the Gallery Theme, here are instructions for creating gallery entries:

1. Create a thumbnail for each entry sized 125×125
2. Create a full-sized image for each entry sized 500×375
3. Upload both images to /wp-content/uploads or use the image uploader in WordPress to upload the images to the same folder
4. Next, create a custom field called "thumbnail" and enter the
location of the thumbnail file, for example
5. You will need to create another custom field called "full-image" and enter the location of the full-size image in that field.
6. You may also enter custom fields for "web-url" and "designer" if you want to add additional information to each entry.

Setting Up Star Ratings

1. Install the WP-Post Ratings plugin from Activate both the plugin and the widgets.
2. To switch the type of images to transparent .PNGs, open wp-content/plugins/wp-postratings/wp-postratings.php in a text editor and change the following lines (should be near the top of the document):

### Define Image Extension
define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'gif');
//define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'png');

to match this:

### Define Image Extension
//define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'gif');
define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'png');
3. Then upload that file back into the plugins folder.
4. In your WordPress admin panel, click the Ratings > Options link on the left sidebar.
5. The transparent .PNG stars should be selected by default.
6. Under 'Ratings AJAX Style' change 'Show Loading Image With Text' to 'No' and 'Show Fading In And Fading Out Of Ratings' to 'No.'
7. Click 'Save Changes.'
8. Now click the 'Ratings Templates' on the left sidebar.
9. Replace the text in the 'Ratings Vote Text' box with the following code:

10. Replace the text in the 'Ratings Voted Text' with the following code:

11. Click the 'Save' button.
12. You should now see your star ratings show on the gallery single pages next to the title of the gallery item.

Adding Widgets to the Footer

1. Make sure you activated the WP-Post Ratings widgets when you activated the plugin.
2. In your WordPress Admin, click Widgets on the sidebar.
3. From the drop-down box under 'Current Widgets' select '1st Subsidiary Aside' and click 'Show.'
4. Drag the widgets you'd like to see shown in this area from left to right (Highest Rated, Most Rated, Recent Comments, etc.)
5. Click 'Save.'
6. You should now see your widgets in the footer.
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